How Richardsons Amusements Fulfil ADIPS Requirements

ADIPS Compliant Fairground Ride Hire North East

At Richardsons Amusements, every thrill should come with peace of mind. That’s why we proudly adhere to the Amusement Device Inspection Procedure Scheme (ADIPS), a stringent regulatory framework to ensure the highest safety standards for fairground rides.

ADIPS plays a crucial role in regulating and maintaining the safety of fairground rides in the UK, assuring both operators and the public that these attractions adhere to established safety standards.

Why ADIPS Matters

ADIPS stands for the “Amusement Device Inspection Procedure Scheme.” ADIPS is a regulatory scheme in the United Kingdom specifically designed for fairgrounds and amusement parks. It was established to ensure the safety of amusement devices and rides.

Under the ADIPS scheme, amusement devices are subject to thorough inspection and testing to verify compliance with safety standards. This includes regular inspections, assessments, and the issuance of certification to confirm that the rides meet the necessary safety requirements. The scheme involves collaboration between ride operators, safety inspectors, and regulatory authorities to maintain and enhance safety standards within the amusement industry.

How Richardsons Amusements Fulfil ADIPS Requirements

At Richardsons, we take your safety seriously, and our commitment to ADIPS compliance is at the core of our operations.
Amusement devices that undergo inspection and certification under ADIPS will be accompanied by a valid Declaration of Operational Compliance (DOC). This document confirms the satisfactory completion of all relevant inspections, affirming that the ride has been certified as safe for operation until the expiration date stated on the DOC.

Here’s how we ensure that our fairground rides meet and exceed ADIPS requirements:

  • Regular and Rigorous Inspections:
    Our rides undergo regular and thorough inspections, well beyond what is mandated by ADIPS. We believe in proactive measures to identify and address any potential issues before they arise, ensuring that every ride is in optimal condition.
  • ADIPS-Certified Inspectors:
    Our team includes qualified and ADIPS-certified inspectors who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the inspection process. This dedication to certification ensures that our inspections meet the highest industry standards.
  • Transparent Documentation:
    We provide transparent documentation showcasing our compliance with ADIPS requirements. From detailed inspection reports to comprehensive risk assessments and method statements, we believe in open communication to build trust with our customers.
  • ADIPS Certification Display:
    Look for the ADIPS certification proudly displayed on our rides. It’s your visual confirmation that our attractions have met the stringent requirements of ADIPS, giving you confidence in the safety of every ride.
  • Proactive Maintenance:
    We don’t wait for issues to arise. Our proactive approach includes regular maintenance to address wear and tear, ensuring that our rides not only meet but consistently exceed ADIPS standards for safety and performance.
  • Commitment to Industry Best Practices:
    Beyond meeting minimum requirements, we are committed to adhering to industry best practices. This commitment is reflected in every aspect of our operations, from ride design to operational procedures.

Choose Safety With Richardsons for Your Unforgettable Fairground Experience!

When you choose Richardsons Amusements, you’re choosing a partner dedicated to the highest standards of safety. Our fulfilment of ADIPS requirements is not just a checkbox; it’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing you with an enjoyable and secure fairground experience.

Start planning your adventure today and discover the thrill of worry-free fun with Richardsons Amusements.

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